Hospital Data And Care Cannot Be Trusted

As previous articles have considered, hospitals are hamstrung by the decision to follow federal government guidelines, such as those from NIH and CDC.  They are using what the government has sanctioned and NOT using what many frontline doctors use very successfully.  In a nutshell, this means hospitals are not using cheap, safe and FDA approved generics like ivermectin as well as a number of vitamins and supplements found effective. The post Hospital Data And Care Cannot Be Trusted appeared first on The Blue State Conservative.

Hospital Data And Care Cannot Be Trusted
As previous articles have considered, hospitals are hamstrung by the decision to follow federal government guidelines, such as those from NIH and CDC.  They are using what the government has sanctioned and NOT using what many frontline doctors use very successfully.  In a nutshell, this means hospitals are not using cheap, safe and FDA approved generics like ivermectin as well as a number of vitamins and supplements found effective. The post Hospital Data And Care Cannot Be Trusted appeared first on The Blue State Conservative.