NCFP unveils amateur chess tilt

THE SEARCH for a new Filipino Grandmaster is on as the National Chess Federation of the Philippines (NCFP) stages the Philippine Amateur Chess Championships unfurling on Friday until Sunday at the Robinsons Mall Metro East in Pasig City. Open to all Filipino chessers with a FIDE rating of 2000 and below, the meet, backed by […]

NCFP unveils amateur chess tilt

THE SEARCH for a new Filipino Grandmaster is on as the National Chess Federation of the Philippines (NCFP) stages the Philippine Amateur Chess Championships unfurling on Friday until Sunday at the Robinsons Mall Metro East in Pasig City.

Open to all Filipino chessers with a FIDE rating of 2000 and below, the meet, backed by NCFP chief Butch Pichay, offers P25,000 to the champion and P20,000 and P15,000 to the second and third placers, respectively, with several category prizes to be given away apart from free shirts to given to all participants. — Joey Villar